
George Smith

Associate Global Risk Analyst

George Smith is an Associate Analyst in Axco’s Global Risk team and specialises in the Asia Pacific region. In this role, George is responsible for researching and analysing the political, economic, security, and environmental risks facing Asian markets. His analysis can be found in the Country Information section of Axco’s Life, Non-Life, and Employee Benefits Reports. George also regularly contributes to Axco’s various Thought Leadership pieces, including articles, reports, and video content.

Before joining Axco in May 2023, George completed a BSc in Economics and an MA in Chinese Studies. He specialised in productivity growth as an undergraduate, whilst his postgraduate thesis examined the driving forces behind China’s recent economic growth phenomenon. During his studies, George completed two internships in China, the first in Shanghai with a multinational consumer goods company, and the second in Tianjin’s pharmaceuticals industry.